Seattle: Welcome Path Less Pedaled

On Saturday April 21st, at 2pm Laura Crawford and Russ Roca of Path Less Pedaled, will give a slideshow presentation at Pedaler’s Fair.

The couple has dedicated the last three years to living on their bikes. Their transcontinental US trip (back and forth?) gained an amazing following as the travelers documented their tour through journalism, video and stunning photography. The couple have just returned from New Zealand with fresh stories and some tips on traveling on Brompton folding bikes.

Laura Crawford is a jeweler by trade, and adventurer at heart. Her work reflects her passion for nature and is signed by her growth and experiences on tour.

Russ Roca has a background in literary arts and photography. He has effectively steered the course of our household interests from paella to fly-fishing. We fondly call him “our photographer” since he’s the fellow behind the lens on all of the Swift Industries website photography and a multi-media piece on our company called the Electric Warrior 

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